Minggu, 21 April 2013

Togetherness with Grandmother

Togetherness with Grandmother

On Saturday, exactly on 13 April 2013, my grandmother  invited me to went to saw  the showed "Selendang merah: Tiga dari Trilogy Opera Jawa" with 6 professional players are: Sri Ledhek: Sruti Respati, Kethek-Anoman: Heru Purwanto, Badhut: Cahwati and Danang Pamungkas, Ledhek Muda: Great Wening titis, and Tuan Ledhek: Anggono Kusumo Wibowo in ismail Marzuki Park which was produced by Garin nugroho, I go there with tmy aunt and cousin too .garin nugroho opened the show 2 days in a row with 4 time showed, on Saturday at 4 pm and at 7 am.Then also opened on Sunday with same hours.my grandmother knows  this show from Kompas  newspaper  that she bought at the counter  near from her place .when we arrived we were provided with a four ticket categories, namely gold, premium, silver, festival.dan we chose the silver ticket at a price of 200 thousand..we arrived at 4 pm, and the showed has not been started. After I bought and choose a seat, I entered this theaters and enjoy the show.
After we finished watching the show, we feel proudly about the dance, the singer,and them Java language other countries that are not owned.in theater any foreign participating interested to watching the show. The show lasted for 100 minutes.and get a lot of appreciation from the audience.Grandmother always follow the java  performances from Garin Nugroho, if my grandmother doesn’t invite me to watched this showed, maybe I can not see how many different ethnic groups in  Indonesia.hopefully what Indonesia owned such as dance, language, etc. are not taken again by other countries.amiin